Author Archive

Welcome to (FSJ = Voluntary Social Year)

Mittwoch, Februar 20th, 2013

Our concept:

Being the provider of FSJ we would like to give young people from the EU the opportunity to do a voluntary social year. The potentialities and the personal development of these people will be invigorated; they will be enabled to shape their own biography and circle consciously and actively. Within this process, priority is given to the formation of solidary behaviour patterns, the willingness to help people as well as to social commitment and professional orientation.

In the field of our work we provide our volunteers with individual care and support. This includes reflexive discussions, visits to the deployment locations, and help in case of questions, problems and situations of conflict within the range of the voluntary social year. Furthermore, the conveyance of subject-specific contents will be done in seminars oriented around the interests of the FSJs (Social Year Volunteers).